Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31 2009

Brynlee, you are about the cutest thing ever these days. You have 6 teeth and more on the way. You are starting to talk a bit more, at least where we can understand you. You brought me a bow to put in your hair yesterday and when I did, you tilted your head and flashed a cheesy grin when I told you it was beautiful. You are one tough cookie, you have no problem taking up for yourself with your sisters. I have seen you go after Blaire many times. You also have the arm cross pouty lip thing down. It's funny now but I have a feeling in a few months were in trouble. You are also a cuddler and we adore that! You give hugs, kisses and just cuddle and sometimes even pat my back like I do yours. We are having so much fun with you. I thank God for you every night! You are too precious for words baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I was reading through MckMama's name fetish post and saw yours. I just wanted to say that I have a niece name Brinley Martha. Beautiful name!
