Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 20 2009

Brynlee you are such a sweetheart. You are talking more and more where we can understand you. You say things like rocks, night night, boo boo, tea, keys, and on and on. Your favorite is to hand me your cup if it has anything else but tea in it and say repeatedly, tea, tea, tea... You are such a little daredevil. You have fallen off the couch recently because you get up there and run back and forth. We love to hear your little laugh. You get so tickled at things, mostly Daddy and will laugh out loud adorably. I wish we could bottle it up. You don't like riding in the stroller so much and have had a cold this week so mostly want me to hold you. The girls will be going back to school soon so I will have some time with just you. Whatever will we do....I'm thinking I might get to shop occassionally because Blaire is more of a shopping hazard than you and with you I don't have to worry about finding a bathroom at every store. You turned around in your car seat like a big girl this week and you climb right up and down by yourself. You give the sweetest sugars and hugs. You do have a little mean streak occassionally. You will hit one of your sisters or put something in your mouth (you put everything in your mouth, mostly money) and just laugh when we tell you no. Hope that doesn't continue long. But your grin is the best and we love you so much Miss Brynzee..... Brooke calls you A-A not sure why but it has stuck.

Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31 2009

Brynlee, you are about the cutest thing ever these days. You have 6 teeth and more on the way. You are starting to talk a bit more, at least where we can understand you. You brought me a bow to put in your hair yesterday and when I did, you tilted your head and flashed a cheesy grin when I told you it was beautiful. You are one tough cookie, you have no problem taking up for yourself with your sisters. I have seen you go after Blaire many times. You also have the arm cross pouty lip thing down. It's funny now but I have a feeling in a few months were in trouble. You are also a cuddler and we adore that! You give hugs, kisses and just cuddle and sometimes even pat my back like I do yours. We are having so much fun with you. I thank God for you every night! You are too precious for words baby girl.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6 2009

I am so disappointed in myself for getting this far behind on your journal. I try to take pictures of the cute things you do so that some day I can go through them and catch up. I thought I better take a few mintutes tonight and write some things about you before you get any older. You are the sweetest, most precious baby girl I could ask for. Your sisters are smitten with you and you wake up each morning (in between Daddy and me) and have a grin and usually start asking for your sisters. (Booook or Bairrr) You have 6 teeth with a few more trying to come in. You say words like bug, mama, dadadada, nana (occassionally) bye bye, backpack, and you nod alot. If I ask you if you want a bite I get a big nod yes. Or if I aske you if you have a poopie diaper you shake your head no furiously. You definitely know anything that we ask you. You sometimes mumble to get your point across. You will also not hesitate to take things out of anyone's hands if you see something you want. You almost took Blaire to the ground trying to get a purse off her shoulder. We thought Blaire was tough but you may be tougher. You also have the fake pout and fake cry down. I know you got this from your sisters. You love to dress up already. When you put on a new outfit we say, "pretty" and you go and show it to whomever is around. You start out each night in the crib but sometime in the night I put you in bed with us. You are still nursing though mostly just to go to sleep. Bad habit I seem to get all of you girls into. You take a morning and afternoon nap although not consistently. You are running most places. You also like to dance with your sisters. You will give us sweet sugars and hugs when we ask (most of the time). You have learned to climb on Brooke's bed by yourself. There is really nothing that you think you can't do. You are the only child of mine that has gotten into every cabinet and everything possible. You also put everything in your mouth..when I say is something in your mouth you go running. You are still just about 21 pounds so I have kept you in your baby car seat. I am also delaying some of your vaccinations as research is coming out to support this. We say you are the last baby but sometimes I wonder if we will try for a boy. God has blessed me with 3 perfect angels. I almost get tears every time I dress you all alike. You have the most gorgeous blue eyes and so far you look more like me than the other two. But I know your looks can still change. I love you and your sisters more than I ever imagined. I don't get to sit and read to you like I would like but I try to remember when I just had Brooke and had all that time, she didn't have 2 older sisters constantly stimulating her. I hug and kiss on you as much as I can because I know all too well how fast you will turn into a toddler. I just want you to know that even though you are the 3rd baby, I try to be "fair" with you. I may not do every little thing I did for the others for you but there are some things we only did for you. You are a precious gift from God and I hope I can be the best mother for you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

March 20 2009

Happy Birthday to you!! My baby is one year old already. I can't believe it. I really never thought I would have 3 children, especially not 3 precious little girls. I can't imagine life without having you Brynlee, you have completed our lives and our family. You have the sweetest personalilty and are so cuddly. You seem to have a great sense of humor and contagious laugh. We can't get enough of that smile. I know you are growing up but you are still the baby. Your just too precious to put in words. I am so happy that I have been blessed to be your mama!

Today we went to Hollywood Studios. We had lunch with JoJo and the Little Einsteins. You smiled even though I think you are not feeling great. You even gave JoJo a kiss!

March 19 2009

This morning we had breakfast at Cape May at our resort with Donald, Minnie and Goofy. You liked all the characters as you have all week. I feel like you are not really yourself with these teeth coming in and your ears hurting, but we are making the best of it. We went to Magic Kingdom and rode some more boat rides...Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. You had some ice cream and could not get enough. Made a sticky mess but who cares....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March 18 2009

Today was Epcot . You rode the rides with us and seem to be feeling ok. It is cute to see you smiling up at us with those little teeth. We have been looking at gums for so long!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 17 2009

Today we went to Animal Kingdom. We had fun on the safari and watched a parade. You are still a bit cranky but aren't we all after all this fun! We had fun but were ready to go back to the resort early and have some ice cream.